

The assessor is responsible for providing the expert analysis of the product in the context of the project request and goals. The assessor may be a subject matter expert in one or many facets of the project analysis and is recruited based on their reputation and expertise in the domain community.

  • Provide domain level analysis of the product in the scope of the project based upon information provided by the Project Sponsor or Asserter
  • Respond to request for more information during project review
  • Upload supporting materials to the platform
  • May review the initial report for accuracy


Performed the by the Assessors the Assessment represents the Assessor’s conclusions to targeted questions asked in the context of a Project.


Agreements are used as documents to define the project scope, pricing and deliverables. These can be as formal as official statements of work or simpler documents conveying high level project deliverables.

These documents are sent to the Client who then has the option to agree or disagree with the document.


The client provides the initial project request which is evaluated by the Project Administrator. The Client can be an organization that would like a detailed analysis of a product under development, a research institute wanting a review and prioritization of products they are considering for further investment, or any organization wanting a deeper investigation of product viability and potential future success.


  • Submit initial project request
  • Provide Request Scoping and Assessment Input to the Project Administrator
  • Review and agree to Project terms of service
  • Provide payment to the ASSESS Platform and receive receipt
  • Review the initial report for expected deliverables
  • Receive the final report on project completion


A Project is initiated by a Client to answer specific questions about a product or products with the result being a curated report outlining the results gathered from domain experts worldwide. A project will have an agreed upon timeframe and price set prior to starting.

Request Scoping Questionnaire

The request scoping documents provide information to the Project Administrator to help design and scope the eventual assessment.

These documents are not shared with the Assessor and are only visible to the Project Administrator throughout the Project.

Assessment Input

The assessment input documents provide information to the Assessor to help complete the Assessment. The Project Administrator also has access to these documents.

These documents are shared with the Assessor during the project.

Project Administrator

The project administrator is responsible for the coordination of the project once the project has progressed passed the review phase (managed by the business development administrator) and the project has been given a clear goal and budget. The person is typically an expert in the field of health technology assessment and has years of experience to provide valuable support and knowledge.

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