Obtain Trial

Obtain technology trial within target health systems

Innovations need to be championed within health systems to secure prioritization for trialing.

Trials must be carefully designed to ensure that data on value-driving endpoints are captured, to inform the case for long term adoption.

Assess uses economic models to identify which additional evidence can be expected to have the largest impact on the probability of securing long term adoption.

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Photo by Julia Koblitz on Unsplash
How We Do It

Analytic approach to informing technology trial decisions

Analyses support innovators to articulate the Trial Case for new technology in development. A global network of experts bring methods and insights from health technology assessment and economic modelling to help innovative companies demonstrate that their technologies should be prioritized for trial, and to ensure trials collect evidence to inform procurement decision-making.

Problem sizing in target healthcare system

Current challenges in achieving optimal outcomes in standard care can be both characterized and quantified.

  1. Problem Size: Limitations in current care leading to sub-optimal clinical and cost outcomes
  2. Root Cause: Key drivers of limitations observed in current care
  3. Technology Impact: The extent to which the new technology can be expected to influence outcomes

The analysis describes and quantifies the extent to which new technology can be expected to influence different outcomes, supporting innovators to demonstrate value in technology trial.

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

Implementation trial design

Technology implementation into health systems intended to generate evidence of its value to inform adoption decisions must include economic endpoints of priority importance to decision-makers.

Implementation trial design considers:

  • Economic endpoints of importance to payers
  • Data collection for parameters of greatest uncertainty

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about how insights from The ASSESS Project can help your organization to obtain technology trial in target health systems, and structure a trial appropriately to inform adoption decision-making.

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