Achieve Investment

Secure investment with analyses that quantify the value of technology for the payer

ASSESS supports innovators to quantify the impact of technology in development on clinical outcomes, health-related quality of life, and costs to the payer.

Health economic modelling facilitates a comparison of the current standard of care to technology, to characterise its value to payers, and commercially viable pricing.

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How We Do It

Analytic approach to informing investor decisions

A global network of experts bring methods and insights from health technology assessment and economic modelling to help innovative companies raise capital from investors. Analyses support innovators to understand and articulate the Adoption Case for new technology in development, in order to demonstrate to investors that the technology, at a commercially viable price, has potential to be attractive to those intended to pay for it.

Quantified Payer ROI Analysis

This analysis supports innovators understanding of the potential for technologies in development to be procured/obtain reimbursement from intended payers.

Early economic evaluation uses techniques from health economic modelling to quantify the potential for technology to be attractive to payers.

This type of analysis can inform on the potential for technology to be cost-savings to the payer, in a manner that is harvestable from budgets, and can describe the effectiveness the technology must demonstrate in order to be considered cost-effective and attractive.

Market Segmentation Patient Target Calculation Market Sizing
Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

Value-Based Pricing Assessment

This assessment supports innovators to understand the range of technology pricing opportunity that is likely to be acceptable to payers, in order to reasonably estimate revenue potential and commercial viability.

Early economic evaluation uses techniques from health economic modelling to determine the range of value-based pricing available to the technology, given its potential impact on health and costs in target health systems.

  • Trial Objectives
  • Implementation Strategies
  • Study Design
  • Outcome Measures

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about how insights from ASSESS can help your organization to inform investor decision-making and improve valuation and probability of capital raise success.

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