Commercial Potential Memo

Communicate technology commercial potential with a synthesis of available information

Analyses and evidence of the commercial potential and value of technology in development generated by the expert community assembled by ASSESS, along with other available information and evidence, can be communicated by issuing of a Commercial Potential Memo.

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What Is It For?

Supporting organizations to effectively communicate the value of technology in development

A Commercial Potential Memo issued by ASSESS offers audiences insights into the value of new life sciences technologies in development.

Insights delivered in the memo

As analyses and evidence is available, it communicates:

  • The headroom for technology innovation within the chosen clinical application, along with anticipated clinical trial and care pathway implementation barriers and enablers
  • Key drivers of economic value, and those likely to be influenced by the technology
  • Evidence requirements to bring a technology to market, including estimates of time, cost and probability of success
  • The likely attractiveness of technology to payers given its potential to influence health and costs
  • The range of likely cost-effective/value-based prices available to the technology
How it is used

Innovators are equipped to credibly connect and have informed conversations



Succinctly share the expert community assessment of the technology commercial potential and value.



Connect with organizations that can fund and support technology development.



Engage with grant agencies, tech transfer offices, investors, advisors and clinical supporters.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about how insights from ASSESS can help your organization make informed strategic decisions that help maximize commercial success of technology in development.

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