Typical Project Workflow

All projects are different of course but typically they all follow the following sequence.  During the course of the project it will transition between the following states which indicate the overall progress of the project. 

The project dashboard will indicate the completed states, the current state, and the upcoming states.  Below is a screenshot from a project indicating the project is in the Report state.

As the project transitions notifications will be sent out to the appropriate participants to indicate the new state and any expectations.


Project evaluation entails gathering information from the project requester to better understand the scope and scale of the project.  It is important that information requested from the Project Administrator is completed in detail and completely.

  • Assessment Input questionnaires are sent to the client to understand the scope of the project.
  • Agreements are created and signed to define the requirements and deliverables of the project.
  • Once the above are done the project transitions into the Planning phase.


Once the Evaluation phase is completed the project moves into the Planning phase where the Project Administrator will do the following.

  • Request more detailed information from the client that will be used by the Assessor during the Assessment.
  • Use the details gathered from the Planning and Evaluation phase to recruit Assessors with the relevant expertise for the project.
  • Create the appropriate Assessment questions for the recruited Assessor to complete
  • Establish the dates and timelines for project completion.
  • Once the above is done the project transitions into the Assessment phase.


Once the Planning phase is complete and the Assessors are available the project transitions into the Assessment phase where the Assessors are given access to the assessment form along with the Assessment Input provided by the client.

  • Assessors complete assigned questions using the client provided Assessment Input.
  • Project Administrator monitors progress and verifies the assessments are completed properly.
  • Assessors and Project Administrator coordinate to verify the assessment aligns with the project deliverables.
  • Once the Project Administrator is happy with the input provided by the Assessor the project transitions into the Report phase.


After the Assessor has completed their work the Project Administrator now collects all the Assessments and starts the process of creating a curated report that will incorporate and summarize the findings of the Assessors.

  • The Project Administrator gathers the Assessments, summarizes the findings, and creates the initial report.
  • Generates the report and verifies the formatting and style fit the project requirements.
  • Once the Project Administrator is happy with the initial report it is uploaded as a deliverable and the project transitions into the Review phase.


During the Review phase the Client gets a chance to view the report and add any additional comments.  This phase should be relatively short if the previous agreements and data collection were done properly.  Both the Client and the Project Administrator should be on the same page and the delivered report should accurately reflect both expectations.

  • Report is reviewed by the Client to verify objectives are met.
  • Minor changes can still be made but new agreements may need to be made if the changes are significant.
  • One the Client is happy with the report the deliverables are finalized and the project moves into the Completed state.


Once the Client agrees to the deliverables the project moves into the Completed state.  The Client still has access to the final deliverables and these can be downloaded anytime in the future.

  • Final deliverables delivered to Client
  • Payment sent to Assessors

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